A newborn's skin is not as smooth as when he is several days or weeks old. In some cases, the baby's skin can peel off within a few weeks after the baby is born. This is a normal condition and nothing to worry about.
At birth, the outer layer of the baby's skin is still very thin and easily damaged. The newborn's skin condition is very dependent on its age at birth. Premature babies generally have very smooth skin, while babies born more than 40 weeks will have skin that tends to dry.
The baby's skin peeling because during the womb, the baby is surrounded by a layer of vernix that protects the baby from amniotic fluid. This vernix is a white coating and is a natural moisturizer that can protect babies from infection for several days after birth. After the vernix is gone, then the baby's skin will peel within 1-3 weeks thereafter. All of these processes show the maturation of the skin system in infants and the formation of the body's natural protective layer.
Overcome Baby Skin Peeling
Although baby's skin peeling is normal, feelings of worry about the condition of baby's skin peeling, cracked, and too dry still appear. For that, here are some things you can do to deal with exfoliation in infants.
Don't bathe the baby for too long
It is recommended to bathe the baby with warm water. Also avoid using soap because the bath soap content is still too hard for the newborn's skin. Also avoid bathing the baby for too long so that the natural oil content found in the baby's skin is not eroded. It is recommended to bathe the baby for only 5-10 minutes.
Apply moisturizer
You can apply hypoallergenic moisturizer to your baby's skin after bathing it or at least twice a day to keep the baby's skin moisturized. Also include gentle massage when applying moisturizer to facilitate the baby's skin peeling process.
Avoid chemical products
Make sure that the products used for your baby are free of chemicals to avoid irritation. Avoid the use of perfume or fragrance-containing ingredients on baby's skin.
Avoid exposure to cold air
Cold air is also not too good for baby's skin. Therefore, if the baby is outside the house or before traveling, it is recommended to wear socks and gloves when the weather is cold and windy.
Make sure your baby is well hydrated
Making sure the baby remains well hydrated is considered to reduce the problem of dry skin in infants. Even so, do not give water to babies who have not yet turned six months old, unless this is the advice of your doctor.
As additional tips, avoid using ordinary detergents to wash baby clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it with detergents that are specifically for baby's sensitive skin. It is also recommended to separate the washing of clothes, sheets and blankets of babies with adult laundry.
Other Problems Regarding Newborn Skin
In addition to peeling baby's skin, some of the following things can happen to the baby, although there is no need to worry if it happens to your newborn baby.
Acne is born
Perhaps this is caused by the influence of maternal hormones carried since the baby in the womb. There is no harm in making an effort to care, but this should not worry because baby acne will disappear by itself.
Milia or white zits
The location of the appearance of milia can be found in the area of the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. You do not need to worry as this white lump will disappear by itself within a month without the need to undergo treatment.
Cradle cap
Cradle cap causes the baby's scalp to crust or the appearance of thick, oily and thick white or yellow scales on the baby's scalp. This will disappear or peel off by itself, at least until the baby turns one year old.
The length of time a baby's skin peels between one baby and another will vary depending on the condition of each baby. However, exfoliation of babies born prematurely will take longer than babies born normally.
Check the baby's condition with the pediatrician to anticipate any disturbance to the baby's skin. Maternal action to be proactive is the right step to maintain baby's health.
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