Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

How to Prevent and Reduce Scars

Scars are a sign of an external wound that has healed. The wound itself can be caused by an accident, surgery, disease, acne, or sharp objects being scratched. To prevent and reduce the appearance of scars, it is recommended to treat the wound well until the wound is fully healed. Naturally, the body will try to repair body tissue that has been injured. After tissue repair is complete and the wound has healed, another problem that can arise is the scar. Having a scar may not be a problem for some people, but others feel that the scar can interfere with physical appearance. Factors that affect the formation of scars are associated with how the wound is treated during the healing process. To prevent and reduce the appearance of scars, the following treatments can be done.
  • Clean the wound

  • Clean the wound immediately using cold water. When cleaning the wound, also use sterilized tweezers to remove debris or gravel from the wound. Afterwards, wash around the wound area using soft soap and wash with a dry cloth.
  • Pay attention to the cleaning agent used

  • Avoid cleaning wounds using hard soap, such as hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and alcohol. Because, these substances will only slow down the wound healing process. Hydrogen peroxide can even cause irritation to the wound and slow down the healing process.
  • Apply the petroleum gel to the wound

  • To keep the wound moist, apply the petroleum gel to the wound. By applying petroleum gel, the formation of scabs can be avoided. In addition, the wound that has formed into sores will require a longer healing time.
  • Protect the wound with a bandage

  • After the wound is cleaned and smeared with petroleum gel or other ointment, it is recommended to cover the wound with a bandage. Don't forget to change the bandage every day so that the wound remains clean during the healing process.
  • Do not pry or peel off the scabs

  • If the wound has formed a scab, don't scrape or peel the scab using your hands or nails. This will only make the bacteria enter and make the wound expand.
  • Avoid sun exposure

  • Avoid scars from sun exposure to reduce the risk of discoloration in the wound. It is recommended to use a sunscreen cream with SPF 30 to reduce the risk of discoloration while helping scars fade faster.
  • Massage the wound using vitamin E

  • Massaging the wound using vitamin E can make the scars fade
Taking good care of open wounds is a way to prevent and reduce the appearance of scars. As a first preventive measure, do wound care using a special ointment to remove scars. Medical treatments such as steroid injections, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, silicidal press pads and lasers can also be an option. Consult this matter with a dermatologist first.

How to treat swollen gums in children

Swollen gums in children most often occur because the little one is teething. There are several ways we can do to reduce swollen gums in children. Check out the following easy tips. Age 6 months to 2.5 years, is when your little one is teething. The signs can be seen from the swollen and reddish gums, lazy to eat, cheeks or red-faced face, lots of saliva, insomnia, fussing, like biting or sucking objects, fussing, and sometimes fever. Well, teething is definitely painful. You can imagine the process, where the teeth push the gums out. As a result, the gums become swollen and sore. But you don't need to worry, swollen gums in children because teething can be relieved in the following ways:
  • Lightly press swollen gums with your fingers washed. This pressure can reduce the pain in the gums. Can also use gauze that has been moistened with cold water.
  • Compress swollen gums in children with cold gauze. Can also with a spoon or a baby bite toys that have been cooled.
  • If your child can already eat solid food, give him food that can be eaten away like bananas, cucumbers, or carrots, which have been peeled and cooled. But be careful, do not let your child choke.
  • You can also provide cold fruit porridge (mashed fruit) or yogurt with no taste to relieve swollen gums.
  • Give a pacifier so that your little one is calm.
  • Wipe your Little Saliva with a clean cloth, to prevent irritation
  • Apply teething gel to the swollen gums with clean fingers, while pressing and pressing gently. This drug contains lidocaine which can relieve pain.
  • If your child is very fussy, try giving paracetamol or ibuprofen. Of course, after getting approval from the doctor.
Apart from being teething, swollen gums at all ages can also be caused by gum disease (gingivitis), tooth decay, cavities, bacterial infections, or herpes simplex virus infections (gingivostomatitis). In such cases, it is advisable to immediately bring Little to the dentist to get the right treatment and immediately. Swollen gums in children can be prevented by always maintaining the health and hygiene of the mouth, teeth and gums. The trick is as follows:
  • Clean your teeth and tongue.
  • Encourage children to brush their teeth at least twice a day.
  • Teaching Little to wash their hands diligently.
  • Try to get your child enough rest.
  • Avoid hot, spicy, salty, or sour foods or drinks.
  • Change your toothbrush often.
  • Use a toothbrush with a bristle brush
  • Eat foods that contain vitamin C and calcium.
  • Drink lots of water.
And there is one thing that should not be forgotten, which is to go to the dentist at least every six months for routine examination and treatment. Mother and Father are also advised to take part in dental examinations so that Little One has a good role model in maintaining healthy teeth.

Check out the Abstinence of Hemorrhoid Disease and Tips to Overcome It

Following abstention hemorrhoid disease and steps that must be taken so that the disease heals quickly. Hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids is a disease in which blood vessels around the anus or rectum (the end of the large intestine, before the anus) swell and become inflamed. The cause is not known with certainty, but may be related to increased pressure in the blood vessels in and around the anus. Well, if you suffer from hemorrhoids, there are some restrictions on hemorrhoid disease and what things can be done to relieve hemorrhoid pain and speed healing.


Foods that contain little fiber can cause constipation to become hemorrhoids. So, limit these foods such as white bread, dairy products, meat, processed meat, processed carbohydrates, processed foods, frozen foods, and fast food. Also monitor the amount of salt that enters the body and avoid consuming alcoholic drinks, spicy foods, and citrus fruits. There are foods that abstain from hemorrhoid disease, some are recommended. Hemorrhoid sufferers are advised to eat fiber-rich foods such as beans (black beans, red beans), avocados, whole grains, broccoli, bananas, apples, pears, and oatmeal. At breakfast or lunch, try consuming a mixture of one tablespoon of mineral oil with apple jam or yogurt so that the stool can come out more easily. But, don't keep doing this.

Do not delay bowel movements

When the stomach has struggled and the desire to expel the contents of the stomach appears, immediately go to the bathroom or toilet. Procrastinating or waiting until our work is finished is abstention hemorrhoid disease. Delaying bowel movements can worsen constipation and ultimately worsen hemorrhoids.

Lifting legs

If using the toilet seat, lift the foot slightly or set foot on a small bench. This position changes the position of the rectum, allowing feces to escape more easily.

Do not push

The next abstinence from hemorrhoid disease is straining. Straining puts more pressure on the blood vessels in the rectum, which is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoid. Not only straining when defecating, increased pressure on blood vessels can also be caused by lifting heavy objects, chronic coughing, or even pregnancy.

Do not linger in the bathroom

Do not bring books, cellphones, or tablets to the bathroom when defecating, because these objects can make us feel at home sitting on the toilet. The longer we hang out in the toilet, the greater the risk of blood pressure. The risk is even greater if we use the toilet seat. In addition to avoiding hemorrhoidal abstinence and carrying out what can be done, do not forget to take hemorrhoid medication that has been prescribed from a doctor. With medical treatment and a few steps above, hemorrhoids can be cured.

So Here's How To Overcome Baby Skin Exfoliation

A newborn's skin is not as smooth as when he is several days or weeks old. In some cases, the baby's skin can peel off within a few weeks after the baby is born. This is a normal condition and nothing to worry about. At birth, the outer layer of the baby's skin is still very thin and easily damaged. The newborn's skin condition is very dependent on its age at birth. Premature babies generally have very smooth skin, while babies born more than 40 weeks will have skin that tends to dry. The baby's skin peeling because during the womb, the baby is surrounded by a layer of vernix that protects the baby from amniotic fluid. This vernix is ​​a white coating and is a natural moisturizer that can protect babies from infection for several days after birth. After the vernix is ​​gone, then the baby's skin will peel within 1-3 weeks thereafter. All of these processes show the maturation of the skin system in infants and the formation of the body's natural protective layer.

Overcome Baby Skin Peeling

Although baby's skin peeling is normal, feelings of worry about the condition of baby's skin peeling, cracked, and too dry still appear. For that, here are some things you can do to deal with exfoliation in infants.
  • Don't bathe the baby for too long

  • It is recommended to bathe the baby with warm water. Also avoid using soap because the bath soap content is still too hard for the newborn's skin. Also avoid bathing the baby for too long so that the natural oil content found in the baby's skin is not eroded. It is recommended to bathe the baby for only 5-10 minutes.
  • Apply moisturizer

  • You can apply hypoallergenic moisturizer to your baby's skin after bathing it or at least twice a day to keep the baby's skin moisturized. Also include gentle massage when applying moisturizer to facilitate the baby's skin peeling process.
  • Avoid chemical products

  • Make sure that the products used for your baby are free of chemicals to avoid irritation. Avoid the use of perfume or fragrance-containing ingredients on baby's skin.
  • Avoid exposure to cold air

  • Cold air is also not too good for baby's skin. Therefore, if the baby is outside the house or before traveling, it is recommended to wear socks and gloves when the weather is cold and windy.
  • Make sure your baby is well hydrated

  • Making sure the baby remains well hydrated is considered to reduce the problem of dry skin in infants. Even so, do not give water to babies who have not yet turned six months old, unless this is the advice of your doctor.
As additional tips, avoid using ordinary detergents to wash baby clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it with detergents that are specifically for baby's sensitive skin. It is also recommended to separate the washing of clothes, sheets and blankets of babies with adult laundry.

Other Problems Regarding Newborn Skin

In addition to peeling baby's skin, some of the following things can happen to the baby, although there is no need to worry if it happens to your newborn baby.
  • Acne is born

  • Perhaps this is caused by the influence of maternal hormones carried since the baby in the womb. There is no harm in making an effort to care, but this should not worry because baby acne will disappear by itself.
  • Milia or white zits

  • The location of the appearance of milia can be found in the area of ​​the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. You do not need to worry as this white lump will disappear by itself within a month without the need to undergo treatment.
  • Cradle cap

  • Cradle cap causes the baby's scalp to crust or the appearance of thick, oily and thick white or yellow scales on the baby's scalp. This will disappear or peel off by itself, at least until the baby turns one year old.
The length of time a baby's skin peels between one baby and another will vary depending on the condition of each baby. However, exfoliation of babies born prematurely will take longer than babies born normally. Check the baby's condition with the pediatrician to anticipate any disturbance to the baby's skin. Maternal action to be proactive is the right step to maintain baby's health.

Mother, Babies Can Communicate Through Their Facial Expressions

Do you know, that newborn babies can already communicate? Every expression on a baby's face has a meaning and meaning to convey. Before you can say the first words, the baby has the ability to express various things including their wants and needs. That's how babies communicate with their mothers and other people around them.

Helpful Strengthening Bonds

When Mother can read the cues of the baby through expression and respond to it, your child will feel happy. This also can strengthen the bonding or bonding between Mother and Child. However, this is actually a two-way learning process that is beneficial for Mother and Child. Because, Little One will be able to learn to understand Mother's reaction. The benefits that can be obtained include helping the baby feel calmer, building the baby's trust in the people who care for him and teaching the baby about emotions. Meanwhile, the benefits for the mother, including helping foster self-confidence as a parent. It is indeed not easy to read the expression given by Little One because it requires patience and the will of the Mother to learn to understand it. Mother must be patient and sure can understand it.

Guide to Reading Your Child's Expression

You can read the mood your child feels through expressions like this:
  • Happy

  • At the happy moment, the baby will smile broadly until his cheeks look raised, with the ends of his eyes puckered. In addition, babies may also wave or clap while babbling. Enjoy this moment with Little One, Mother. This can encourage cheerfulness as capital to build confidence in the Little One, because the expression gets a positive reaction. Maybe Mother can invite Little One to play Ci Luk Ba, so that her smile is wider.
  • Interested

  • The baby will open his eyelids bigger and lower or raise his eyebrows, when feeling attracted to something. Maybe his mouth will open while screaming and moving towards the thing he likes. When babies begin to be attracted to an object, it means they want to get more information, of course in the language of the Little One. Mother can help by showing the object while explaining it to him, through movements and simple words.
  • Uncomfortable

  • Babies cry by making sounds like growling will be done by babies who feel uncomfortable. Shrinking face while raising legs to his chest. Mother can help your baby by gently massaging the baby's stomach or moving his feet with movements such as pedaling a bicycle to release gas in his stomach and help him feel more comfortable. When accompanied by a bloated stomach, felt tense and looks bulging, then do not hesitate to take your child to the pediatrician.
  • Difficulties

  • The sign that is shown by the baby when experiencing difficulties is the lower lip will be lowered, both eyebrows arched in the middle. If you don't cry, maybe your chin will vibrate. This shows that your baby may be over-stimulating. Mother can calm him down by bringing him to a lonely place. Give your child space to rest or play around alone.
  • Bored

  • Babies who look bored will seek attention by screaming, crying, or throwing toys. In the first 12 weeks, your little one can spend hours looking at your mother's face, but then your little one will start looking for many other different things that catch his attention. Mother can invite Little to explore with objects around him to overcome boredom.
  • Angry

  • Anger will be expressed by the baby through crying, red face with narrowed eyes. If you are sure your child is not sick or feeling pain, then maybe he feels hungry or sleepy. Try to give what he needs, maybe a comfortable atmosphere to rest or suckle, while soothing Little One with a soft voice.
  • Afraid

  • Even babies can feel scared. Usually it will be shown with eyes wide open, trembling face and hands, or even by crying. Although it is difficult to calm the Little One who is feeling frightened because Mother does not know what makes her afraid, but Mother can hold her while talking to calm her down. Little will not understand the words of the mother, but she will understand from the tone of the mother's loving voice.
Little will imitate the expressions of those around him, especially from the Mother, the most often seen. He will learn to know what facial expressions are when scared, happy, and sad. Mother should not show a depressed expression because it will also be felt by the Little One. If Mother is feeling depressed, take a deep breath and smile, while giving a little touch and hug to calm her down. Make sure you also pay attention to the condition of your child as a whole. If there are suspicious signs on the physical like fever, difficulty in bowel movements, diarrhea, restless anxiety, look weak / weak, then do not hesitate to consult a doctor immediately. Reading baby expressions has many benefits, huh? Come on Mother, start paying closer attention to the tiny face and the adorable Little One's expression.
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